Poker Strategy Basics – Online Poker

Poker is an American word meaning “playing cards dealt in four suits – the ace, queen, king, and knight”. Poker is an extremely popular card game that has been around since the 15th century in England and it spread worldwide to include almost all countries in the world except for East Asia. Poker is played with a deck of cards, and each player is dealt a hand consisting of two cards face up and four cards face down. Poker is played with one table or more, sometimes using bridge, and sometimes with no table at all.

In Poker, there are certain cards that are considered “wild cards”, i.e. they can be dealt in any order as long as they do not change the current hands. Once a player has discarded a card, called a “wild card”, that player may replace that card with another from the same pack, called a “weed” if it is the last card in the hand. Once the player has replaced a card, called a “weed”, the player may call, raise or fold, according to the current hand ranking. The highest ranking hand always calls, raises or bets, while a lower ranking hand may call, raise or fold.

In Hold’em poker, also known as Texas Hold’em, there is generally a fixed number of poker chips that may be in the pot. If the hand wins, the player is rewarded with the entire pot, which may be higher or lower than the stated pot limit. If the hand loses, most commonly it will be reduced by a sizeable amount, usually based on how much money was bet on the “wild cards”. It is important to remember, though, that the “pot” is not necessarily the amount of money in the pot; it is referring to the maximum amount of money that can be put into the pot. Some tournaments have minimum bets and no-limit tournaments have a set limit. No-limit tournaments are usually longer, more competitive and feature a high stage ranking where the best players in the tournament earn top prize money.