The Lottery

The Lottery is a short story by Shirley Jackson that takes place in a small town in America. It is a story about the evil nature of humanity and the way people can be cruel to one another. It also shows that people should not be afraid to stand up against authority if they think something is not right.

The lottery is a form of gambling in which participants have a chance to win a prize by drawing numbers. It is also used as a way to raise money for various purposes, including public works and charities. However, the prizes are normally smaller than the costs involved in organizing and promoting the lottery. A percentage of the winnings is also usually given to the organizers as profits and revenues.

While the lottery is a popular activity in modern times, it originated in ancient times and was commonly practiced throughout Europe and America, despite protestant proscriptions against gambling. In fact, early American colonists funded their settlement of the American continent partly through lotteries. Its popularity in America is often attributed to the nation’s notorious tax aversion, as explained by scholar Stanley Cohen.

During the lottery, Mr. Summers, a man who represents authority in the story, brings out a black wooden box and stirs it up. He then starts calling the names of the large families in the village and their children. When he comes to the Hutchinson family, the man draws a piece of paper that will lead to her death.